Brent Laffoon

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How to Increase Your Income Without Burning Out

If you teach yoga for a living, at some point you’re bound to come up against burnout. Fear not. The job may get exhausting at times, but the practice itself exists to keep you on track and moving forward in a positive way. This talk will focus on how and why burnout happens, how to use your practice to deal with it, as well as how to avoid it and keep your business growing through the inevitable toll that daily practice and teaching can take on your energy and enthusiasm levels.

Brent Laffoon is a devoted student, passionate teacher and lover of all things yoga. Trained in a variety of styles, his classes are a creative blend of traditional yoga postures and philosophy mixed with specialized movements designed to focus the mind, open the body and lift the spirit. He teaches regular classes in Los Angeles and leads Teacher Trainings, as well as his signature Yoga Adventures, all over the world. His greatest joy is in helping people discover the the practice that most effectively helps them move past their perceived limitations and discover their own greatest joy.

Prior to teaching yoga, Brent was a college football player, a Peace Corps volunteer and a screenwriter, among other things. He is honored to have been taught by some of the world’s best teachers and feels blessed to have discovered and had his life transformed by yoga.

In the name of limitless possibility: Om… in the hope of abiding peace as one of those possibilities: Shanti… and in the spirit of unity, love and respect among all living creatures and the Earth itself: Namaste.



Hm… probably in the middle of a freezing cold river in the mountains of northern California. It’s a long story 🙂